Donate Now Amounts

  • Gift of Hospitality

    Provide a welcome bag for a family upon arrival at the House.

  • Gift of Water

    Provide a warm shower and fresh water for one day at the House.

  • Share-A-Night

    Provide a family with a night of lodging. 
  • Sponsor-A-Meal

    Provide a warm dinner for families

    at one of our Houses.


  • Friends of the
    Family Room

    Provide one month of snacks, beverages, and supplies at one of our Ronald McDonald Family Rooms.

  • Pantry Partner

    Help fill one of our pantries with snacks and non-perishable food items so families can grab a quick snack as they head to the hospital or whip up a quick meal.
  • Katie's Kart

    Provide one month of activity sets, toys, individually wrapped snacks, and other small comforts available for families with an infant in the Neonatal Units of Lovelace Women’s Hospital.
  • Adopt-A-Room

    Provide families with a comforting space for one year by helping underwrite the cost of one room’s annual operating expenses.

  • Custom Gift

    Select your own donation amount.

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